Audio Meditation rewrites your subconscious mind - Harnessing the hidden potential of your brain
The way the world is changing... so fast, so furious, so unpredictable... you need an edge! The current crop of brainwave technology can give you that edge. And make you an unstoppable force in your career.
Brainwaves are measures of the electrical activity in the brain. Using an EEG machine, this electrical activity is registered as frequency waves or brainwaves. There are specific 'bands' of brainwave activity associated with different mental processes. These frequency bands, stretching from a high measurement of 100 Hz to a low of approximately 0.1 Hz, are given the names Gamma, Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta.
The subconscious mind takes up 95% of your brain.
When most products try to help you improve your life, they focus on the conscious mind: making you think positive thoughts, daydreaming about abundance, telling you to focus on manifesting wealth, etc.
But they miss out on 95% of your potential for change!
The 10 Minute Awakening uses proven frequencies that stimulate your brain to physically grow and trigger a change in your subconscious.
These sound waves have been proven in research labs to “open up” the subconscious part of your brain, which allows you to erase negative thinking and replace it with an attitude of abundance and success.
This subconscious change makes your life improve automatically, without any conscious effort.
Audio Meditation CD's Produce Deep Meditation Every Time With Advanced Brainwave Technology!
Brainwaves are measures of the electrical activity in the brain. Using an EEG machine, this electrical activity is registered as frequency waves or brainwaves. There are specific 'bands' of brainwave activity associated with different mental processes. These frequency bands, stretching from a high measurement of 100 Hz to a low of approximately 0.1 Hz, are given the names Gamma, Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta.
Audio Meditation rewrites your subconscious mind
Rewrite Your Subconscious:The subconscious mind takes up 95% of your brain.
When most products try to help you improve your life, they focus on the conscious mind: making you think positive thoughts, daydreaming about abundance, telling you to focus on manifesting wealth, etc.
But they miss out on 95% of your potential for change!
The 10 Minute Awakening uses proven frequencies that stimulate your brain to physically grow and trigger a change in your subconscious.
These sound waves have been proven in research labs to “open up” the subconscious part of your brain, which allows you to erase negative thinking and replace it with an attitude of abundance and success.
This subconscious change makes your life improve automatically, without any conscious effort.
Note: 10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Create The Life You Want, and Magnetically Attract New Wealth... Just 10 Minutes A Day!
More details:
Brainwave entrainment audios have made the art of meditation a simple affair - no need to spend weeks, months or years trying to learn the art that would often leave you dependent on some self-proclaimed guru. All you need is to just make yourself comfortable and listen to the entrainment audio - the sub-audio entrainment frequencies directly put your brain to states conducive to deeper states of meditation. In comparison, the conventional way to meditate involves regular practice to discipline the mind and take considerably longer amount of time to be able to reach deeper states of meditation.
Here are some issues about the impact of sound on spirituality:
Binaural Beats - Tapping the Latent Potential of Your Brain
Music embedded with binaural beats
Binaural beats are not sound in the conventional sense so they are not heard through the ears but the brain creates them. They are generated when two slightly different audio frequencies are fed - one through each ear. For instance, if a frequency of 450 Hz is fed to the left ear and 465 Hz to the right ear, a beat of 15 Hz is generated in the brain, which is the difference of the two input frequencies.
When these beats are generated using just the sine waves, many people feel a little irritated and it lacks the pleasantness of the music. So, recordings are created using some pleasant sound like that of ocean waves, flowing river, birds chirping, or rain etc, and binaural beats are embedded. Besides being pleasing natural sound help also generate a relaxing and receptive mood, they enhance the effectiveness of the beats.
Brainwaves and entrainment
At any time a certain frequency of brainwave is dominant along with other waves that have smaller amplitudes. Initially, binaural beat close to the frequency of the dominant brainwave is applied. It allows the brainwave to move and match with the applied binaural beat frequency - called entrainment or frequency following response. Now the beat frequency can be varied and the brain will follow. So, the entrainment process provides you to the handle to control the brain states through its waves.
Entrainment allows you to explore different subconscious states of the mind at will and develop it to your advantage. You can easily go into states of deep relaxation, meditation, lucid dreaming, or hypnosis; binaural beats are also used for eliminating fears or addictions and developing confidence, learning power, and creativities; there are numerous other applications such as astral projection, telepathy, chakra tuning, aura viewing, just to name a few.
Employing binaural beats to explore different states of mind
Just by changing the frequency you can explore the whole spectrum of mental states and can choose any desired state of consciousness. Hence, they are suitable to reprogram your subconscious mind. They are excellent yet simple tool to counter stress and anxiety; just play the music embedded with binaural beats and go into deep relaxing states.
The effectiveness of the beats is further enhanced because of the ease of varying them. This allows creating specific music designed for a particular task. For instance, lucid dreaming involves conscious awareness that you are dreaming, while dreaming. The person is first taken to the theta state (4-7 Hz) where dreams take place and then take him to the alpha state (7-13 Hz) where the consciousness is that of waking alertness. But keep the time duration of the alpha state short so that he does not wake up and then bring him back the theta state of dream. Hence, the person dreams and also knows it because of the brief excursions to the waking state. Simple. Is it not?
Availability of music with binaural beats has opened up an entirely new facility for ordinary folks to develop their personal capabilities at the root level. They offer an amazingly simple and quick way to awaken the hidden potentials of mind.
This Is How Brain Waves Contribute To The State Of Mind
Do Brain Waves Exist?
Brain waves are quite real and have been studied extensively.
They are produced by neurons in your brain that communicate with each other by electrical change.
These changes can be observed by different forms of medical technology, like the electroencephalography (EEG).
Much of what we know about brain waves is a result of extensive research conducted by medical professionals.
Why do brain waves matter?
We easily forget that we are the controllers of our reality. In fact, our reality is not made up of outside influences, but actually co
nsists of our thoughts, beliefs and mindset.
So, by learning about the deeper states of consciousness, you can open your subconscious mind and create your reality at will.
But to do this, the first step is in understanding your different brain frequencies.
How many brain waves are there?
There are five types of brain waves:
- Beta waves
- Alpha waves
- Theta waves
- Delta waves
- Gamma waves
Each frequency is measured in cycles per second (Hz) and has its own set of characteristics representing a specific level of brain activity and a unique state of consciousness.
Smart, eh?
Read on to learn more about what these brain waves do.
5 Types Of Brain Waves
Here’s a quick breakdown of the five different types of brain waves.
1. Beta (14-40Hz) — The Waking Consciousness & Reasoning Wave
Beta brain waves are associated with normal waking consciousness and a heightened state of alertness, logic and critical reasoning.
While Beta brain waves are important for effective functioning throughout the day, they also can translate into stress, anxiety and restlessness.
In fact, the voice of Beta can be described as that nagging little inner critic. And with a majority of adults operating at Beta, it’s little surprise that stress is today’s most common health problem.
2. Alpha (7.5-14Hz) — The Deep Relaxation Wave
Alpha brain waves are present in deep relaxation and usually emerge when daydreaming or during light meditation. It is an optimal time to program the mind for success and it also heightens your imagination, visualization, memory, learning and concentration.
Believe it or not, Alpha waves are the gateway to your subconscious mind.
The voice of Alpha is your intuition, which becomes clearer and more profound the closer you get to 7.5Hz.
3. Theta (4-7.5Hz) — The Light Meditation & Sleeping Wave
Theta brain waves are present during deep meditation and light sleep, including the all-important REM dream state. It is the realm of your subconsciousness and only experienced momentarily as you drift off to sleep from Alpha and wake from deep sleep (from Delta).
It is said that a sense of deep spiritual connection and unity with the universe can be experienced at Theta.
Your mind’s most deep-seated programs are at Theta and it is where you experience vivid visualizations, great inspiration, profound creativity and exceptional insight. And unlike your other brain waves, the elusive voice of Theta is a silent voice.
It is at the Alpha-Theta border, from 7Hz to 8Hz, where the optimal range for visualization, mind programming and using the creative power of your mind begins. It’s the mental state in which you consciously create your reality.
At this frequency, you are conscious of your surroundings while your body is in deep relaxation.
4. Delta (0.5-4Hz) — The Deep Sleep Wave
The Delta frequency is the slowest of the brainwave frequencies. Delta waves occur in both deep, dreamless sleep and during transcendental meditation.
Delta is the realm of your unconscious mind and the gateway to the universal and collective unconscious. Information received here is often unavailable at the conscious level.
Deep sleep is important for the healing process as it aids with deep healing and regeneration. And that’s why not having enough deep sleep is detrimental to your health in more ways than one.
5. Gamma (above 40Hz) – The Insight Wave
At 40Hz and above, the Gamma wave is the fastest frequency. While little is known about this state of mind, initial research shows Gamma waves are associated with bursts of insight and high-level information processing.
Which Brain Waves Are Best For Studying?
Alpha brain waves are optimal for studying.
Why? Because in the Alpha brain wave state, both mind and body are relaxed, while the mind is able to easily retain focus and stay on task.
In this state, it’s easy to process information. In fact, it’s been proven that your memory is at its peak during Alpha waves.
What type of brain waves signify the onset of sleep?
Theta and Delta waves are the most significant ones for the sleep cycle, Delta sleep being the deepest sleep.
With this knowledge of the brain wave states, you can now better understand the peaks and valleys of your own consciousness.
So, which of these brain waves do you use most? Let us know in the comments below.